Upcoming Parenting Classes

Discover What Classes are Being Offered By Our Local Educators

Caregiver PSE

Join us for engaging professional development focused on caregiving!

In these workshops, you’ll discover how to support caregivers, encourage community involvement in caregiving, effectively communicate with our partners about caregiving, and much more!

Triple P: Positive Parenting Program

What is Family Transitions Triple P?
Family Transitions Triple P is designed for parents who are experiencing personal distress from separation or divorce, which is impacting on or complicating their parenting. It is delivered to parents before they complete Level 4 Group or Standard Triple P and consists of five sessions. Family Transitions Triple P assists parents who need extra support
to adjust and manage the transition from a two-parent family to a single-parent family. It focuses on skills to resolve conflicts with former partners and how to cope positively with stress.
Who is it for?
Parents who benefit from this program are those who have or are going through separation and divorce where there are unresolved conflicts and difficulties communicating effectively with former partners. Parents may be concerned that the
separation or divorce is upsetting the children or they may want to learn ways to talk to their children about it and teach them ways to cope. Parents who do this course usually have concurrent concerns about their child’s behavior.

Triple P Fear-Less

Why Fear-Less Triple P Online makes all the difference

Help your child manage anxiety and become more emotionally resilient – this full toolkit of tips and ideas really works!

Get a better understanding of anxiety and fear and what can be done about it.

Get a whole range of tools and strategies based on proven principles.

Know what to do when your child is anxious or upset.

You choose what works for you – adapt to suit your family, your values.

Do it on your phone, computer, or tablet.

Videos and fun interactive learning.

24/7 online, at your place, at your pace.

Triple P- Stepping Stones

Raising Wisconsin’s Children

Discover Our Classes and Resources for Parents and Caregivers

Prenatal/Infants Link
Toddlers Link
Preschoolers Link
Elementary-age Link
Teenagers Link
Families in Transition Link
Healthy Relationships Link
Family Health Link
Caregiving Link
Support Extension